Park Rules
- No destruction or abuse of the Green Areas, Properties and Equipment.
- Chairs and canopies are not allowed on the Lawn.
- No spitting, littering, polluting, dumping, urinating and defecation.
- No glass bottle or other glass containers is permitted into the park except those used in the care and feeding of infant children.
- No explosives, firearms, controlled substances and weapons are allowed into the park.
- No animals allowed in the park except guide dogs.
- No form of fire making device or equipment allowed without LASPARK permit.
- No personal use of generator permitted within the park.
- No disorderly behaviour.
- No bicycle, scooter, roller skates, skateboards or the like on lawns.
- No playing of ball games on the lawns.
- No unlawful erection of tent, shelter or camp in the park.
- Professional use of cameras attracts permit fees.
- No food or drinks allowed inside the children’s playground.
- Do not leave your property unattended.
- Children’s Playground is for Age under 14years only.
- Ensure adequate adult supervision for your child(ren).
- Adults are not allowed in the playing ground without a child(ren).
- Group use of park with LASPARK’s permit Only.
- Opening and closing time is (9am – 6pm daily).